Hello dear readers. Spinal diseases are one of the most pressing medical problems facing humanity today. More and more young people complain of pain in various parts of the spine, although not so long ago this pathology worried mainly the older generation. That is why the effective treatment of osteochondrosis is so actively discussed everywhere. How to get rid of pain in the spine is the topic of this article. Due to the effects of gravity, which hampers upright walking, and other factors, spinal structures wear out prematurely.
What is osteochondrosis
Insufficient nutrition of cartilage tissue leads to weakening of cartilage. The intervertebral layers lose their ability to withstand excessive load. The vertebrae press against each other, literally crushing the intervertebral cartilaginous pads. This is how osteochondrosis develops.
At first, the cartilaginous tissue suffers, then the vertebrae themselves are involved in the pathological process. The disease is chronic and accompanied by intense pain.
Depending on the location of the lesions in the spinal region, several types of disease are distinguished:
Cervical osteochondrosis
It is characterized by pain in the neck, shoulders, arms, head, dizziness, slight visual abnormalities and sound effects.
Thoracic osteochondrosis
Back pain is reflected in the chest, sometimes surprisingly similar to heart pain.
Lumbar osteochondrosis
The pain is concentrated in the pelvis, peritoneum, lower back and radiates to the lower limbs.
Simultaneous damage to different spinal sections can occur.

As the disease progresses, there are 4 main stages. An unpleasant feature of the pathology is the low probability of its detection at the beginning. This is due to the asymptomatic nature of the initial stage of development of osteochondrosis.
Chondrotic changes will only be visible on an x-ray, that is, they can only be detected by chance. Since there are no prerequisites for intentionally undergoing an x-ray examination.
Stages of chondrotic changes in the spine
- Cartilageous dystrophy, initial tissue degeneration.
- Individual foci of inflammation in the cartilage and microcracks are visible. There is discomfort and stiffness in spinal movements. Sometimes the cartilage is pushed outward, forming protrusions - protrusions.
- The cartilage is replaced by bone formations. Mobility in the affected area is increasingly limited. Nerve roots and blood vessels are compressed, causing chronic pain to develop in the back and surrounding areas. Displacements and hernias can occur.
- The disease affects bone tissue, the cartilage is almost completely destroyed. The inflammation is extensive, complications appear. Some areas of the spine completely lose mobility.
Causes of osteochondrosis
The causes of pathological changes in the cartilaginous structures of the spine have not yet been fully studied by medicine. However, scientists have identified several risk groups most likely to develop osteochondrosis.
These are people who lead a passive lifestyle, whose work involves a sedentary position. Patients with excess weight and metabolic disorders are also at risk of getting sick.

The spinal health of hard workers and professional athletes is also at risk.
Factors that provoke the formation of pathological changes include
- prolonged lack of fluid in the body;
- poor diet leading to a lack of minerals;
- hormonal changes;
- emotional outbursts, stress;
- injuries, overload;
- remaining in static positions that are not anatomically correct;
- foci of infectious lesions in the body;
- flat feet of any severity;
- congenital predisposition;
- muscular weakness;
- pregnancy;
- aging of the body, natural wear and tear of tissues;
- harmful addictions;
- taking medications, poisoning of various etiologies;
- overweight, obesity;
- sleeping on a mattress that is too soft and a high pillow.
Treatment methods
The therapy includes an active phase and a rehabilitation process. Even if there are no lasting results for a long time, you cannot give up. Recovery is very slow.
All this requires patience, strong will and a high level of self-discipline. Success can only be guaranteed if there is an insatiable desire to recover and a set of therapeutic and preventive measures.
It is strongly not recommended to limit yourself to self-medication. You must clearly understand that taking painkillers alone without changing your lifestyle will not give any results other than temporary relief.
The disease will continue to actively develop. Additionally, a dependence on anesthetics and painkillers is formed.
Combined therapy not only relieves pain, but also fights degenerative changes, restores mobility, relieves inflammation, prevents complications and attempts to regenerate damaged structures.
They therefore connect:
- medications and, if necessary, surgery;
- therapeutic and preventive gymnastics;
- physical procedures;
- various types of manual therapy, including traditional massage, reflexology;
- removal of clamps, spinal traction.
All this is prescribed and monitored by the doctor. The patient can use unconventional methods, but in agreement with the doctor. The patient must also report all successes and the occurrence of adverse reactions. This will allow timely adjustments to the treatment regimen.
How to treat osteochondrosis at home
In a familiar home environment, effective treatment of osteochondrosis is quite possible. Your doctor will tell you how to relieve pain in the spine, not only with the help of anesthesia. The patient will need to follow his instructions and possibly slightly modify the standard approach to spinal treatment.
We are mainly talking about regulating the load when performing a set of exercises and when stretching the spinal structures. In this case, you should focus on personal endurance and sensitivity.
Medicines - drugs for osteochondrosis
It should immediately be emphasized that osteochondrosis cannot be defeated by medication alone. But they are an important, even necessary, part of the healing process. As a rule, pharmacological drugs are used during an exacerbation of the disease to relieve symptoms and relieve inflammation. As for the restoration of cartilage tissue, dietary supplements are used here, although with varying degrees of success.
The medicinal effects are aimed at:
- pain relief in various parts of the body;
- containment of inflammation and cessation of this pathological process;
- increased blood circulation;
- improve metabolism;
- increased nutrition of damaged tissues;
- return of spinal mobility;
- restoration of cartilaginous layers;
- prevent the development of depression due to poor health.
To solve problems, different groups of drugs are used. If the effectiveness of any of them is low, more effective drugs are administered with caution, as they carry a greater number of possible side effects.

- Anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). A group of multifunctional non-steroidal drugs. Relieves inflammation, relieves pain, reduces fever. For osteochondrosis, pain relieving creams, ointments and tablets are most often used.
- Antispasmodics, combined analgesics, local anesthetics. Helps get rid of muscle pain and headaches.
- Medicines that dilate blood vessels. Helps get rid of headaches and numbness.
- Muscle relaxers. They relieve tightness and spasms, helping eliminate muscle pain and resulting swelling.
- Vitamin preparations (vitamin B, A, E, C, multivitamins), mineral supplements. They provide the body with the compounds necessary for cartilage tissue.
- Sedative drugs: tincture of valerian, motherwort. Helps relieve stress from constant pain and normalize sleep.
- Hormonal drugs based on substances methylprednisolone, hydrocortisone. They are powerful anti-inflammatories.
- Chondroprotective agents. Restore cartilage.
Physical exercise
Spinal injuries have their limits when performing special exercises. Therefore, it is recommended to give lessons under the supervision of an instructor.
Therapeutic exercise will help eliminate pain, restore mobility to the spine and release pinched nerves and blood vessels. The exercises are aimed at developing the affected areas, strengthening and stretching the muscles.
All gymnastic techniques are more or less standard. But the duration, intensity and number of repetitions are determined individually.
With osteochondrosis, the risk of injury is high, so all actions are performed with caution. If discomfort or pain occurs, gymnastics should be suspended until the sensation disappears. Afterwards, the action resumes.
You may need to reduce the load or replace this exercise with a similar, but more appropriate exercise.
Treatment of osteochondrosis with folk remedies
Traditional medicine has in its arsenal many simple, effective and safe recipes for osteochondrosis. They are used in the form of teas, tinctures, lotions, compresses, frictions, applications, ointments.
Herbal medicine will help support the body, strengthen it, normalize its functioning and relieve unpleasant symptoms. These remedies can be purchased at any pharmacy or herbalist at an affordable price.
Effective compresses
The use of compresses will help eliminate painful attacks, swelling and inflammation of the cartilage tissue. For this purpose, irritating and heating agents are used.
- Horseradish with apples. Horseradish root and a small apple are grated on a fine grater. The puree is mixed in equal parts and applied to the diseased area. Cover the top with film and apply a warming bandage overnight. Treatment is continued until the pain disappears.
- For the same purpose, you can use compresses from other products: grated radish, onion pulp, burdock leaves, cabbage. To enhance the anti-inflammatory effect, you can add honey.
- Vodka, mustard powder, camphor alcohol - 50 g each, mix with three beaten egg whites. The mixture is infused for approximately 10 hours and used as a compress for 3 consecutive days, morning and evening. Then move on to the next recipe.
- 50 g of aloe leaf extract are mixed with 150 g of vodka and 100 g of honey. Compresses are also used twice a day for three days. Then return to the previous recipe. These two remedies are used in turn, for 3 days each, without interruption until the symptoms disappear.
Infusions and decoctions for osteochondrosis
This group of folk remedies is used for systemic effects on the body to provide anti-inflammatory, analgesic, strengthening and calming effects.
Decoction: wash 4 unripe cones, chop them, add half a liter of water, boil for several minutes. Drink ¼ tbsp. 1 to 3 times a day.
Tincture: pour 5 crushed ripe cones with seeds with a glass of alcohol (strong vodka), leave to act for 2 weeks, shaking the container daily. Drink a teaspoon after meals.
Birch buds and lingonberry leaves
1 teaspoon each, prepare a glass of boiling water. Drink a little throughout the day.
Teas from plants such as horsetail, mint, St. John's wort, motherwort, calendula, linden, milk thistle, chamomile, plantain, thyme, cinquefoil, sage and immortelle are alsouseful. They are used in various combinations or separately.
Applications of honey
With osteochondrosis, applications and lotions based on aloe juice and honey help. They are used individually or in a mixture.

A piece of gauze should be moistened in the product and applied to the sore spot under a warming bandage for at least 40 minutes. You can also simply lubricate the desired areas with it several times a day.
Rubbing the medicinal composition accelerates blood flow, ensures deep penetration of the product into the body, warms it, stimulates active centers, removes tension and eliminates numbness.
Suitable for rubbing for osteochondrosis:
- bear/badger fat;
- turpentine;
- herbal alcoholic tinctures;
- decoctions and infusions of medicinal plants;
- fir oil;
- special compounds.
Rub in case of severe pain: crush a packet of analgin (10 pcs. ), mix with a glass of alcohol, a small bottle of iodine, 10 ml of camphor alcohol. Rub your back only in painful areas. May cause a burning sensation.
Therapeutic baths for osteochondrosis
Similar procedures are carried out during the remission phase. Warm water is used with the addition of herbal decoctions and essential oils. Should be used before bedtime.
Baths help to relax, calm down, relieve swelling and tension, eliminate numbness, pain and muscle heaviness. Here, decoctions are used in higher concentrations than when taken orally. But the same plants will do the trick.